Saturday, July 30, 2011

Just An Awesome Saturday

Well, today my family and I went to a ProLife Race!  It was an awesome experience.  I didn't run.  Maybe I will next year, or at least volunteer.  Two of my younger sisters, my dad, and some good friends of ours, all ran in the race.  They did very well!  They all placed in their own age categories!  I also met up with some friends I hadn't seen in a while.  The race was very well organized.  Some good songs were played (like "Live Like You're Dying" by Kris Allen, "Lean On Me"  by...well...I'm not sure who sang that many different artists sing that song, and a couple other good random songs).

Well going to this race has rekindled my desire to be more involved in ProLife activities.  I use to be pretty involved, but after a while school and side jobs prevented me from being very active.  I've prayed in front of abortion mills, and volunteered at ProLife pregnancy centers before and would really like to start doing those things again. 

Well, when we all got back from the race, I did my Saturday chores (I, fun right?) and then walked down town, where I briefly checked out the Library, a consignment shop, and then walked to Church for an hour.  And in between all these activities I got to see my Aunt, Uncle, a cute little cousin!

So yeah, today was a fun filled day. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Our First Egg!

Today, I woke up to one of my sister's exclaiming "We have an Egg!!!" 
So finally, after a little more than 4 months, we egg...  Our other 4 chickens better hurry up and start laying! 

We don't know which chicken laid the egg, but here is a picture of one of them. 

and here is a picture of the egg! 

and here are a couple pictures of our chickens when they were chicks.

Enjoy the pictures!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Merry Christmas in July!!!!

I can't believe that we are more than half way through 2011!  God bless you all and have a Merry Christmas in July!!!  And keep cool as best you can!

...and listen to Christmas music today!

These are only some of my favorites. 

This version is so calming


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What an Awesome Day!

Sorry about not posting often.   Life has been crazy, in an awesome way!  Long trips on the weekends, work on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and emailing like crazy (oh how I love to email friends!)  There's also the weekday tasks that keep me pretty trying to keep my room neat.  Well, today was a fun day indeed!  I spent pretty much the whole day with a good friend!  We visited lots and lots of very nice shops!  We looked at formal dresses, know...girl stuff.   We also looked at some really funny birthday/greeting cards!  Some were hilarious!  Some were so cute too!  Card shopping can be so fun! (you gotta be careful though...there's a lotta undesirable ones out there...)  We went out for lunch and had sweet potato fries with a special tango dip!  They were so yummy!  After lunch and checking out some more shops, we went out for ice cream!  The people serving us were so friendly and gave us tastes of the ice cream we wanted to try.  They also gave us two different flavors of ice cream on one cone.  I got dark chocolate and black coffee!  So good!  After that, we went to my friend's house and watched some great youtube videos!  Yes indeedy, it was a perfect day!

(Wow!  That was one of my longer posts! XD  I'm still determined to keep up with this blog!!!)