Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Favorite Prayers

I thought it would be a good idea to start a topic on favorite prayers.  Two of my all time favorites are the Anima Christi and the Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi.  Please share yours! 


Anima Christi

Soul of Christ, be my sanctification;
Body of Christ, be my salvation;
Blood of Christ, fill all my veins;
Water of Christ's side, wash out my stains;
Passion of Christ, my comfort be;
O good Jesus, listen to me;
In Thy wounds I fain would hide;
Ne'er to be parted from Thy side;
Guard me, should the foe assail me;
Call me when my life shall fail me;
Bid me come to Thee above,
With Thy saints to sing Thy love,
World without end. Amen.

Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek

to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen

Monday, August 22, 2011


Well, I was thinking about an official name for my blog and maybe a description (the description would be where the JMJ is.).  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  I wasn't planning to keep the blog title I have now.  I just had to think of something quick so I could get the blog going.    So yeah, if you have any suggestions, please feel free to share! 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Apple Picking in the Rain

What a delightful experience it was to go apple picking in the rain today!  Around 11:30am, my family and I left the house to go apple picking.  It was all bright and sunny when we left.  As we got closer to the apple orchard, it began to get cloudier, and eventually is started to downpour.  Well, the rain started to slow down when we got to the apple orchard, so we decided to go pick some (about 38 pounds to be exact).  After about 10 minutes of apple picking, it started to downpour again, but instead of running wild to the van, we ran wild picking some more apples.  What fun!  After we payed, we snacked on apples and tried to dry off as we drove home.     

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Night Parties!

My idea of a night party is sitting 'round a fire (in a metal barrel XD) roasting marshmallows and making delicious, hot, smores, spending hours talking about lots of random stuff, listening to music and dancing to Sleigh Ride (the one sung by Relient K XD), going on walks at 10:30pm and walking past a Japanese sushi bar that is open and closed at the same time, and then going back home to the computer to play with google translate, google earth, this Lifespan Calculator (, and to look up ways to trick your college room mates.  Truly, last night was an amazing night spent with awesome friends. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Scenic Pictures

Today, I thought I'd share some scenic pictures!  I love taking pictures even though I'm not very good.  My camera is also pretty bad.  It would be amazing to be a photographer! 

I thought the one picture with the palm tree and what looks like a pink bubble looks awesome.  Couldn't do that again if I tried.

Hope you like them!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Prolife Bands

Hello!   Today, I thought I'd share with you all a link to a list of ProLife Bands.  Here is the link:  I haven't heard of all these bands, but it's nice to know that there are a lot of bands out there that support life! 
I'll also share with you the link to the list of bands who advocate abortion.  I'm disappointed to see bands that play music that I listen to on this list.  Please keep them in your prayers.

Thank you Rock For Life for providing these lists!

Chicken update:  We are checking the chicken coop and the chicken run for eggs more frequently.  That's the only thing we can do to keep them from eating their eggs right now.   Well, my sister put golf balls in the chicken run.  Doing that is suppose to make the chickens use to seeing egg-like objects and lose interest in them.  Hopefully that will work.  Today, we got three eggs, one of which was crushed and eaten.  The shell of the crushed egg was weak, so we need to make sure that they are getting more calcium.  There are probably three layers now.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Oh Those Chickens...

Well, I think at least two of our chickens are laying eggs now.   They've laid a total of 5 eggs so far.  We've only got three of them though...  The chickens ate the other two!   So yeah...we've been trying to think up ways to keep them from eating their own eggs.  We thought of filling an emptied egg with mustard.  We kind of tried it, only we spread mustard on the inside of half an egg shell and placed it in the "chicken coop" with the shell facing upward and surrounded by hay so it would look more like a whole egg.   Well, it's probably not going to keep them from wanting to eat more of their eggs because they apparently enjoyed eating it.  I'm sure we'll figure something out eventually.