Monday, April 22, 2013

Help Protect Our Religious Freedom

Please contact your U.S. House of Representatives and protect our Religious Freedom!  (This is all from an email I received from the NCHLA)

At this time it is vital that we re-dedicate our efforts to pass the Health Care Conscience Rights Act (H.R. 940). The U.S. House of Representatives again should be urged to include H.R. 940 in upcoming “must-pass” legislation.

Please visit to send a message to your Representative today!

Even if you have already contacted your Representative in support of H.R. 940, it is important that Members again hear of the need to pass this legislation.

The Administration’s contraceptive/abortifacient/sterilization mandate will begin to be enforced against nonprofit religious schools, charities and health care providers on August 1. In the days to come, Congress must decide whether to address this problem through must-pass legislation before that deadline. Please act today to protect conscience rights and religious liberty!

Thanks for all you do in support of life!

God bless!

 ~ littleromanJMJ

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Boston and Texas

I just want to share this video I came across on youtube (I couldn't find a tribute for the victims of West, Texas).  Please pray for all those who died, who got injured, and for those affected by the bombing at the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013 and the explosion at a fertilizer plant in West, Texas on April 18, 2013. 


God bless!

 ~ littleromanJMJ

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Knocking on Heaven's Door

Wow!  This is my second post in one day...

Today was a pretty productive day for me.  I hardly have work on Thursdays, so I tried to be more helpful at home with the chores and helping my little brother with homework.  I finally bought a car charger for my cell phone at Walmart.  I looked for shoes, but did not find any that appealed to me.  On my way home from Walmart, I picked up a couple things for my mom at the grocery store.  Later on, I did a bit of reading while waiting at the bus stop for the boy I watch some mornings and evenings.  I was reading the first book of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy "The Fellowship of the Ring".  I am at the part of the book where Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin meet Tom Bombadil.  So yeah, I had a good day off.

Well, my original reason for posting for a second time today was to share the link to this website I like to visit occationally.  These comics alway cheer me up and I hope you like them too.

God bless!

 ~ littleromanJMJ

The Romeike's Story

I hope everyone is having a most happy and blessed Easter Season!

I just thought I'd share this video.  It's about a family from Germany who sought asylum in the USA so they would have the freedom to homeschool their children (they were persecuted for homeschooling in Gemany).  Now they may be deported back to Germany by the USA.

You can sign a the White House petition to stop the deportation of the Romeike Family here:

God bless!

 ~ littleromanJMJ