Thursday, August 29, 2013


Hey Readers!

Today, I want to share what has been on my mind lately.  I have been thinking much about movies and about when it is right or wrong to watch a movie with certain content.  I hate being so particular about what I watch, but I can't help it.  This is my strong opinion.  When a movie has any explicit sexual content (an intimate scene, certain jokes and conversations, bikini like outfits worn throughout most of the movie, nudity, or anything like that) I will not watch it.  The marital embrace is sacred and is not meant to be viewed for entertainment (it is seriously sinful for the actors and actresses to even act out those kind of scenes).  If something sinful or inappropriate needs to be in a movie for the sake of the story, it should at least be implied that it took place.  I also stay away from movies which use God's Name in vain and swear words too many times.  Before watching movies (at least R, PG-13, and sometimes even PG rated movies) I often visit a Christian movie review website (I highly recommend

There are a lot of bad movies out there, but there are also a lot of good ones.  Here are some movies I enjoy and would like to share.  They are not all perfect, but they're good.

The Avengers
The Captain America Trilogy
The Thor Trilogy
Guardians of the Galaxy 1 and 2
Jack the Giant Slayer
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
The Hobbit Movies
Emma (both versions are good, but my favorite is the BBC version)
Pride and Prejudice
North and South (BBC)
Wives and Daughters (BBC)
The Shop Around the Corner
The Sound of Music
Mom's Night Out
Forever Strong

Here are some with religious themes:

The Passion
God Is Not Dead
Son of God
For Greater Glory
October Baby
The Perfect Game
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
I Am David
Heaven is for Real
War Room

And some of my favorite animated movies are:
The How to Train Your Dragon Trilogy
Despicable Me 1 and 2
The Emperor's New Groove
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 1 and 2
Wreck-It Ralph

I enjoy many of the animated Disney movies.

I will update this list occasionally.  There are more movies I enjoy, I just can't think of them all.

Also, I just want to warn you that the Christian movie review website I recommended ( may seem strict to the extreme.  What I like about the website though is that I can read about was bothers me most in a particular movie (like sexual content) and I can decide for myself if I think it is worth watching. 

God bless you!

 ~ littleromanJMJ

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Prayers for My Grandma


On Friday, August 23, my grandma had a heart attack.  She will be released from the hospital tomorrow and will be living with my family and me.  She is doing fine, but her heart is failing and we are unsure how long she will be with us.  If you all could pray for her, my family and I would greatly appreciate it.  Thank you so very much.

God bless you!

 ~ littleromanJMJ