Thursday, December 10, 2020


What can I say.  What a year...

I again apologize for not being a regular blog poster, but what can I life...

A brief life update, baby #3 is on the way and due February 13 which for me will most likely mean sometime in January.  My husband and I, along with our two other kids, are excited for the new member of our family to arrive!  

My husband has been working from home ever since March thanks to Covid 19, but it has been a blessing. No waisted time commuting, huge savings on gas, parking, and wear and tear on the cars...Most importantly, lunches spent with the family and more family time in general has been so nice.  

To be very honest, 2020 has been a good year for us, minus not having Mass available for about two months (if I remember correctly) and putting what I think of Covid 19 and current politics aside.  I am truly sorry for all the hardship that this year has brought others though.  My heart truly goes out to you and know that you are in my prayers.  

I have one request or hope for the rest of this year and for all future years...pray more.  Pray for peace.  Pray for honesty and truth in everything (especially from the media).  Pray for purity. Pray for a respect for all human life, especially unborn human life.  Pray for openness and understanding. Pray for respect and kindness, regardless of difference of opinion.  I have seen such lack of charity simply because people disagree this year, it's unreal.  I have seen prayer do so many wonderful things though that more would be great.  And if you can spare an extra prayer for more patience for me...that would be amazing.  Thank you!  

I truly hope to get on again soon, but I can't promise.  Life goes on.  

God bless you! 

Mary Renee

Saturday, February 22, 2020

St. Therese of Lisieux on Prayer

God bless you!

Mary Renee

Lent is Approaching!

Hello friends!

I know it's been a while!  Between Christmas until now, someone has practically been sick.  I'm still getting over a cough.  And I will just say that pleurisy is NOT fun.  Still getting over that as well.  Anyway...the Christmas season has come and gone (we had a wonderful Christmas) and now Lent is approaching.  Time is flying!  If you are giving up or doing anything extra for Lent, please let me know in the comments.  I think I'm going to work on taking more quiet time for prayer and less screen time.  I have also been focusing on living more simply and getting rid of things I rarely use.  It's so nice knowing where everything is because I have no piles of stuff to look through.

Well, to catchup, I will be posting some words of inspiration from St. Therese.  Have a blessed Saturday!

God bless you!

Mary Renee