Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Hobbit!

Who is excited for the upcoming Hobbit movie??  I can't wait!  By the way, I starting reading the book.  It's very good so far (I'm very very sure that the whole thing is!)  I love the character descriptions!  And I am also very determined to finish it before the movie comes out in December 2012. 


  1. I am wildly excited for the Hobbit movie!!!!!!!! Especially for Rivendell, Mirkwood, and the Elves. Because I love elves. :) And I'm really happy that PJ is directing. :)
    You can do it! I finished reading Voyage of the Dawn Treader on the way to the even if you have to do that with the Hobbit, you can do it!!! XD

  2. Yay! LOL can't wait to hear more about what you think!!! It is such a good book XD (says the Tolkien fanatic) By the way, is anyone else thrilled that Martin Freeman is playing Bilbo?

  3. I don't know much about Martin Freeman, but he looks like a great Bilbo! XD
