Wednesday, December 19, 2012

December 14, 2012

I don't know how to put my sorrow for all those affected by the school shooting in Newtown, CT to words.  December 14, 2012 was truly a tragic day.  Please continue praying for the souls of all the victims.  The adults, children, the shooter, and his mother.  Also for their families and friends and all affected by the tragedy. 

 Lord Jesus Christ, We praise You: Bring peace into the world
By bringing Your peace into the hearts of all.
Help us to turn away from sin
And to follow You in love and service.
Glory be yours, and honour, For ever and ever.

God bless! 

 ~ littleromanJMJ

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Day 2012

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
I hope your day was a truly blessed one spent with loved ones! 

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays (I believe I have already said so on this blog).  I went to my Aunt, Uncle, and Cousin's house for Thanksgiving dinner this year. It was so wonderful spending special time with those I love.  The meal was superb!  We had wonderful conversations, played games, listened to fun music, and took some group pictures.  I have so much to be thankful for! 

Thanksgiving Prayer
Father in Heaven, Creator of all and source of all goodness and love,
please look kindly upon us and receive our heartfelt gratitude in this time of giving thanks.

Thank you for all Your graces and blessings.
You have betowed upon us, spiritual and temporal: our faith and religious heritage.
Our food and shelter, our health, the love we have for one another, our family and friends.

Dear Father, in Your infinite generosity,
please grant us continued graces and blessing throughout the coming year.

This we ask in the Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Brother.
How was your Thanksgiving Day?

God bless!

 ~ littleromanJMJ

Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Third Page!

Check out the third page I added to my blog!  I'm going to be sharing my favorite quotes there.  Feel free to share your own! 

Oh, also, remember to check out the recommended websites on the left side of my blog.  I often add new websites to my list.

God bless!   

~ littleromanJMJ

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Trust in God and Never Give Up Hope!

A good friend sent this message to me in an email this morning and I would like to share it with you:
For those of you who are a little down this morning..........

I think we got this last election. It still holds true.

Today: Jesus is still King
Today: Our responsibilities as Catholics/Christians have not changed one iota.
Today: Our primary citizenship is still in this order: the Kingdom of God and then the United States of America.
Today: The tomb is still empty.
Today: The cross is still our salvation
Today: My neighbor will still be my neighbor and loving him is will still be the second greatest Commandment.
Today: The only way to end abortion is through God's help and changing the hearts of men.
Today: My retirement will still not match my treasure in Heaven.
Today: "Jesus Is Lord" is still the greatest truth in the Universe.
Today: We will still KNOW that GOD is in control!


Many other things can be added.
But it is still important to Hope and Trust in God.

and this is from another email I received:

Friends, take heart! i am just as bummed as everyone else! but think of it this way: We have 4 more years to continue to offer our prayers, sacrifices and penance for the conversion of the world! This can be a great time of Grace if we focus on Our Lord and what He asks of us; none of His followers escaped persecution and distress; why should we be any different? Better to be on this side than the other, right?

John 16:33 In the world you shall have distress: but have confidence, I have overcome the world.

John 15:18 If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.
Acts 14:22 strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith. "We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God," they said.
Romans 8:37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
2 Corinthians 6:4 Rather, as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: in great endurance; in troubles, hardships and distresses;
Revelation 3:21 To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne.
Revelation 12:11 They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.
Hope in God! I will praise Him still, my Saviour and my God!

Why are you cast down, my soul?
Why groan within me?

Hope in God!
I will praise Him still.
My Saviour and my God.

(Psalm 41-6) quare incurvaris anima mea et conturbas me expecta Dominum quia adhuc confitebor ei salutaribus vultus eius


Monday, October 22, 2012

Website for Posting Videos

Check out this neat website:

View Pure is amazing if you want to view a video without having to see all the negative ads, suggestions, and comments on youtube.  It is especially nice if you want to send a video to a friend through an email without unintentionally sending them something trashy.  Try it out!  I find it very helpful.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Political Responsibility

Please visit for voter guides and resourses to share with others before this upcoming Election on November 6th.  Remember, our first, unalienable right as stated in the Declaration of Independance: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" (  Let us never forget the unborn American Children's right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness!  Again, please pray for God's Holy Will to be done this November!  May God Bless America!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Prayer For Our National Election

Please pray for our upcoming national election and that God's Holy Will be done. 
Here is a prayer you can say. 
God Bless America!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Nellie Grey and Neil Armstrong

Please keep Nellie Grey, founder and President of the March for Life, and Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon (July 20, 1969), in your prayers.  Nellie Grey died on August 13, 2012 at the age of 88 and Neil Armstrong died yesterday, August 25, 2012, at the age of 82. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Summer of 2012

I know...I'm bad...I say I like blogging, but never keep up with it...oh well...

I do enjoy it when I get around to it.

This summer has been very enjoyable.  Work has been going very well.  I enjoy going to work and it gets me out of the house (not that home is annoying in any way).  I've went out with friends, did some spiritual reading (I am slowly reading a book called Catholic Life, published by Neumann Press), enjoyed some piano music (the tunes of Music of the Night and My Heart Will Go On sound great on the piano!), saw the Avengers in theaters, got to see a friend visiting from out-of-state, went to the county fair (I may post pictures), went on a 14 mile bike ride and took a train back, drove to a friends house who lives 3 and a half hours away, ate at an amazing Chinese/Japanese buffet with a friend and tried sushi for the first time (it was so delicious!!!), and I'm sure there is so much more that's not coming to me right now.

Anyone care to share how their summer went? 

Oh yes, and starting now, I'm going to try and share a prayer every once in a while.  I really want to keep my blog going and I thought that posting prayers or even nice poems once in a while would be a nice way of doing that.  

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Jesus Christ is Risen today!  Alleluia!
Happy Easter one and all!
I hope it is a truly joyful and blessed one!
May God bless you today and everyday!

Friday, March 30, 2012


Hello there!  A few days ago, I saw an amazing movie!  It is called OctoberBaby and I highly recommend it!  I won't tell you to much about it so as not to spoil the movie for you.  I'll will say that is was a truly touching prolife movie.  At times it made you want to cry and at times smile and even laugh.  Here is the link to the website with the trailer and more information.
Again, it was an excellent movie and I would most definitely try to watch it especially while it is still in theaters!  There aren't many movies like this one out there and we should indeed show our support!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Beautiful Prayer

Today, I am going to share a prayer I love to say often.

            Christ, thou who art the light and day,
Who chasest nightly shades away,
Thyself the Light of Light confessed,
And promiser of radiance blest:

O holy Lord, we pray to thee,
Throughout the night our guardian be;
In thee vouchsafe us to repose,
All peaceful till the night shall close.

O let our eyes due slumber take,
Our hearts to thee forever wake:
And let thy right hand from above
Shield us who turn to thee in love.

O strong defender, hear our prayers,
Repel our foes and break their snares,
And govern thou thy servants here,
Those ransomed with thy life-blood dear.

Almighty Father, this accord
Through Jesus Christ, thy Son our Lord,
Who with the Holy Ghost and thee
Doth reign through all eternity.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

It's Lent

Hello there!
I know...I haven't posted in the longest time.  I missed Christmas and New Year's...and now it's Lent...oops...oh well...

My life has been absolutely wonderful the past 3 months!  Work is going very well (I now have an additional task at work.  I am now the Parish website updater!), and the weather has been absolutely beautiful!  I can't believe the winter we are having!  We only had about 3 or 4 major snow falls and the snow melted a few days afterwards.  Spring begins March 20th!  Yesterday, I enjoyed reading "Emma" by Jane Austen outside. =]

So today, I will share this video of one of my all time favorite music artists, MercyMe, singing "Baby" (by Justin Beiber).  It's funny.